Tips to Get Started With Your Genealogy Search
Our past shapes who we are and how we came to be. We all have a story to tell and genealogy can help us tell our stories with more detail. Whether you are trying to learn more about your family lineage or hunt down your family’s medical history, genealogy can…
A Successful Search for Grandpa
One of our clients was curious about her grandfather, a grandfather she did not know. All she knew about him was that he grew up in Iowa, married a woman who would later become her grandmother, and moved to Maryland in 1942 after the birth of our client’s father. Sometime…
Skip tracing – What is it?
Anyone who’s been in the legal services long enough has heard of skip tracing. But for the uninitiated, it can be a confusing term. Skip tracing is, quite simply, tracking down people. Whether a person has changed their name, moved to a different state, or just doesn’t answer any letters…
Torri's Webinar on Creating Bulletproof Affidavits
Torri and her team had the privileged opportunity to create a presentation for our colleagues and friends at Serve Now. We discussed affidavits, how to write them, how to get them notarized, and what the legal process is when from start to finish. Our customers rely on us to produce…
New Genealogical Services!
Torri’s Legal Services accommodates the needs of its clients. Therefore we at Torri’s Legal Services are particularly excited to announce the expansion of our genealogy division. We have been performing genealogy and forensic genealogy services for several years now and requests for such service from our clients has grown. While researching a…
IRS Whistleblower Office celebrates 10th anniversary
The IRS Whistleblower Office is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. The office was created under the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 to oversee the IRS Whistleblower Program. The Whistleblower Program assists the IRS with ensuring enforcement of IRS regulations and taxpayer compliance. What is a Whistleblower?…
Torri’s Legal Services Has Joined the National Capital Area Paralegal Association
Torri’s Legal Services is pleased to announce that we have joined NCAPA, the National Capital Area Paralegal Association. We’ve found that this is a great way to connect with our clients and the legal community in the Washington, D.C. area, and are excited to continue to provide excellent services to…
Social media: The new venue for service of process?
When you get that next Facebook or Twitter notification, could you have a summons waiting for you? In recent years, courts have increasingly allowed service of process via social media, but with certain restrictions. More than a decade ago, process service over the internet came to the forefront when service…
International Process of Service to SCOTUS
Earlier this year, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Hague Convention authorizes service of process by mail. What is the Hague Convention? The Hague Service Convention is a multinational treaty adopted at The Hague, The Netherlands, on November 15, 1965. The agreement allows for the service of process…
Vote for Torri's Legal Services as DC’s Top Process Server
The 2016 BEST OF LEGAL TIMES is open for voting! Torri’s Legal Services has been a finalist for the Best Process Server award in Washington, D.C. the past few years and we’re tremendously honored by this. We strive to provide every customer with exceptional service, and hope to take home…