Genealogy Research Services in Maryland

Looking for your ancestors, especially if records are scarce, can be time-consuming and frustrating. If you want to track down those who came before you, or you want to know more about the past, a professional genealogy research team in Maryland can help you out.

Our Genealogy Research Process in Maryland

You can only get so far researching your ancestors without requiring you to spend a lot of time (and, sometimes, money!) digging through documents and paying for access to specialized resources. If you don’t have a ton of time to devote to your search, running into even one dead end can cause you to give up and stop looking for answers.

At Torri’s Legal Services, we have access to the latest genealogy technology and resources. Our team sifts through piles of court records, marriage licenses, birth and death records, and other legal documents to get you the answers you need. We utilize a higher standard of proof than other genealogy resources and sites, and we mine databases, analyze photos, and even analyze DNA in the search for truth.

Our professional genealogy services can help you with:

  • Clearing real estate titles
  • Locating heirs
  • Determining inheritance rights
  • Fraud exposure
  • Finding beneficiaries for trust or inheritance distributions
  • Civil pensions
  • Social Security
  • Veteran’s benefits
  • Property rights
  • Class action claimants
  • Establishing family bloodlines
  • And more!

If you have legal issues, such as difficulty accessing records, our experienced team can guide you through the roadblocks and help you interpret any documents we uncover.

Why Choose Torri’s Legal Services?

Since 1990, we’ve helped individuals and organizations get the genealogical information they need with less hassle and in less time. Here are just a few reasons to choose Torri’s Legal Services:

  • We deliver what we promise: If we say we’re going to do something, we work tirelessly to make sure it happens. And, if we run into any issues trying to deliver on our promises, we let you know right away.
  • We use innovative solutions: Not everything can be solved in the same way, so we look for all the creative ways around any roadblocks we may encounter.
  • We use the latest technology: Technology is a master at helping us find information. We use every tool available to us to help solve your problems.
  • We care about the environment: While we do provide paper copies if you request them or when we’re required to by law, but, for the most part, we’re a fully digital practice.
  • We give back: It’s important to us to support those in need. We’ve partnered with the B1G1 Initiative for several years, and we frequently give to causes close to our hearts.

Whether you’re searching for one document or you need to uncover your entire family tree, Torri’s Legal Services can help with our professional genealogy research services. Contact us today for a quote!


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