How Do Process Servers Find Evasive Subjects?

Being a process server is not an easy job. Tracking someone down and delivering their legal paperwork can take a lot of skill, especially if that person does not want to be found.

Indeed, people expecting to be sued, evicted, divorced, or have some other legal action taken against them can certainly be evasive. But process servers are equipped with many strategies to get the job done and defend the vital right of due process. 

Methods Used By Process Servers to Find People

There are a few common methods that all process servers rely on to do their job. One useful tool is a large database of information. 

This electronic “library” contains all kinds of official and legal paperwork. A process server can use this to connect a name to an address, a place of employment, and other useful information. A photo from the internet is also helpful for identifying a person.

Once the server has this information, they may be able to simply knock on the person’s front door and deliver the paperwork. But if the subject is avoiding being served, a stakeout may be necessary.

During a stakeout, a process server will wait outside the subject’s home or place of employment until they are able to contact the individual. This might sound intimidating or shady, but remember that the process server is merely the messenger. In fact, they are actually helping the person by notifying them of the case against them.

If stakeouts are also unsuccessful, the process server may need to resort to creative approaches. For example, they might dress like a delivery person to get the subject to open the door.

What Process Servers Can’t Do

As you can see, process servers can try a variety of approaches to find the person they are looking for. But not everything is fair game. Like all professions, there are certain rules that a process server must obey.

A process server is not allowed to impersonate law enforcement, for example. They are also not allowed to enter places off-limits to them, such as the employees-only section of a business, or anywhere that would be considered breaking and entering.

In addition, they cannot tamper with a person’s mail. Even looking inside a person’s mailbox could be considered a federal crime, so this is a strategy most process servers will avoid.

If The Person Can’t Be Served

Some people may believe that if they avoid the process server for long enough, their legal troubles will disappear. In reality, there are ways for the court to continue the proceedings even if the person cannot be served.

The process server will make multiple attempts over several days to contact the subject. If they are unsuccessful, they may sign a sworn affidavit describing this. Depending on the state, the person may be summoned via public notice, through an ad in the newspaper.

Certain paperwork may also be left with an associate of the person. This could include an employer or a member of the household who is over the age of 18. In some cases, the paperwork might also be mailed to or posted on the front door of the evasive party.

However the court decides to proceed with contacting the subject, it is always easier and more beneficial to simply receive the paperwork from the process server.

Nationwide Fast & Reliable Process Servers

If you need a fast and reliable process server, call the team of experts at Torri’s Legal Services!

We have years of experience providing high-quality process serving, both across the world and across the nation. Even the most elusive subjects can be found with our extensive databases and patient process servers. We even offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with our services!

Contact Torri’s Legal Services today to learn more.

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