Posts Tagged ‘court research’
What Is a Court Researcher, & How Can One Help My Law Firm?
Often, legal cases aren’t just about the individual complaint at hand – a car accident, a felony arrest, or a divorce. Issues from past civil and criminal court cases, and even federal cases such as bankruptcy, are crucial to presenting the most complete picture of the case you’re arguing. Tracking…
Social media: The new venue for service of process?
When you get that next Facebook or Twitter notification, could you have a summons waiting for you? In recent years, courts have increasingly allowed service of process via social media, but with certain restrictions. More than a decade ago, process service over the internet came to the forefront when service…
Updates to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Just before the new year a handful of changes were made to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, many of which directly affect process servers. Amendments were made to Rule 4, 16, and 26, changing the maximum days for service to be completed and removing some restrictions on serving discovery…