Posts Tagged ‘international service processing’
Social media: The new venue for service of process?
When you get that next Facebook or Twitter notification, could you have a summons waiting for you? In recent years, courts have increasingly allowed service of process via social media, but with certain restrictions. More than a decade ago, process service over the internet came to the forefront when service…
International Process of Service to SCOTUS
Earlier this year, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Hague Convention authorizes service of process by mail. What is the Hague Convention? The Hague Service Convention is a multinational treaty adopted at The Hague, The Netherlands, on November 15, 1965. The agreement allows for the service of process…
Vote for Torri's Legal Services as DC’s Top Process Server
The 2016 BEST OF LEGAL TIMES is open for voting! Torri’s Legal Services has been a finalist for the Best Process Server award in Washington, D.C. the past few years and we’re tremendously honored by this. We strive to provide every customer with exceptional service, and hope to take home…
Serving Papers Safely
While the dangers of serving papers are nothing new to process servers, we’ve found that sometimes our clients don’t realize the risks and legal hassles that can result from sending an untrained process server into an emotionally charged situation. There are a few steps both clients and process servers can…
Wacky State Laws
After 25 years of experience we’ve learned that all states have crazy laws. We do a lot of out-of-state service of process, which requires us to familiarize ourselves with the laws in many states. Sometimes we run into some odd ones, so we thought we’d share some of the wackiest…